Holy Sh*t! Habañero Hot Sauce
Holy Sh*t! Habañero Hot Sauce (5 oz./148 ml)
This sauce will have you Screaming its name! Looking for a sauce with bite? Well, you found it and then some! This sauce will literally add fire to your favorite foods. Not recommended for any wimps! Good in Chilli, hot wings, and Bloody Mary’s. Just add to all of your favorite sauces or, if you just want to burn up your friends and relatives serve it straight! Leaves you speechless! Blast furnace! You’ll have to say it! Leaves you breathless! There’s no equal! We dare you! Dope dip! Incinerate your body! Never again! Adios!
Ingredients: Tomato Sauce, Onions, Hot Pepper Extract, Hot Peppers, Vinegar, Soy Oil, Garlic, Salt.
Brand: Holy Shit
Manufacturer: Deli Direct, Inc
Awards: none
Heat: 10+